“When Truth is the intention then the false is seen.
When Love is the intention then un-love ceases.
When Awareness is the intention then you are Free.”
- Ngeton

About Enlightened Intent

With Enlightened Intention, the dynamic potential of Awareness, we strengthen our capacity for illumination and understanding in all aspects of life. This heartfelt intention ignites the power of insight. Through the power of observation and discernment, we illuminate the obscurations to our True Nature. As we develop a greater capacity for Conscious Illumination and Self Recognition, suffering decreases, compassion and loving kindness naturally increases and our innate freedom shines forth.

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In 2017, Karma Ngeton Chodren designated me her successor to carry on the teachings in the Spiritual Lineage of the Navnath Sampradaya. It has been my honor to share teachings since late 2019.
The essence of my teaching is rooted in Transmission, Love and Wisdom that I have received from Ngeton. The teachings of Jean Dunn, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj and Sri Siddharameshwar Maharaj as well as the Wisdom teachings of Tibetan Buddhism and writings of Dzogchen Masters including Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Taye and Longchenpa have profoundly influenced my meditation practice, realization, and understanding.

Observation, discernment, self-honesty, and willingness are the foundational elements of my teaching and are the basis on which to engage your experience, evolve your understanding, and elevate your potential to transform and/or transcend the obscurations to your True Nature through Love, Wisdom, and Awareness.
When the body, speech, and mind are aligned with pure aspiration, this is a movement of Enlightened Intent.
When we cultivate compassion and the intention for the liberation of all beings, this an action of Enlightened Intent.
When we abide in the heart of Awareness, This is living Enlightened Intent.

About Nancy