The Navnath Sampradaya Lineage
The Nath Lineage is said to date back to the legendary Avadhut Dattatreya and only came to be known as the Navnath (meaning ‘nine-masters’) when in the remote past 9 masters were chosen by followers as exemplars of their sect. The word Sampradaya means an established teaching propagated from master to disciple. Though the Navnath Lineage is Tantric, in recent times the Inchgiri branch which came through Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj's guru, Sri Siddharameshwar Maharaj, has been popularized as Advaita Vedanta. Many offshoots and sub-sects of the Naths have arisen spontaneously in service to Awakening. Though the style and methods of Navnath Gurus vary, the teachings are simple and direct. Historically, teachers traveled on foot from village to village propagating the teachings until they were no longer able to. If one or more disciples were ready, they would be asked to “carry on the teachings”.
In 1980 Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj designated Jean Dunn to carry on the teachings. Prior to this, at his request, she edited and published his talks in the books Seeds of Consciousness, Prior to Consciousness, and Consciousness and the Absolute.
In 1995, Jean Dunn designated Ngeton to carry on the teachings.
In 2017, Ngeton designated Nancy Jill Sundberg to carry on the teachings.
“I am deeply honored to carry on the teachings in the Spiritual Lineage of the Navnath Sampradaya at the request of my Beloved Mother and Guru, Karma Ngeton Chodren. My life with her changed my fundamental understanding and perception of myself, the world, and the nature of existence. The last 20 years with her were the most intense and illuminating time of my life. I was immersed in spiritual teachings, meditation practice, service, and her Graceful transmission of Love, Wisdom, and Compassion.”
Nancy has been teaching since late 2019.
About Nancy
The Nine Masters