Individual Consultations
Your online Zoom consultation may be focused on specific areas, teachings, and subject matter that is relevant to you.
They may also be in a format of Q & A which is a tradition in the Navnath Sampradaya Lineage.
If you are a Maui resident or plan to visit and would like to meet in person, please inquire via email to schedule an appointment.
30 minute session $55
60 minute session $108
90 minute session $160
Book Now or scroll down to explore detailed descriptions of options which can be combined or simply serve as a starting point.
Awakening Foundations
“ To master the mind, observe it in fearless compassion”
Cultivate your foundation of non resistance, observation, and willingness. Engage and understand the nature and substance of your experience. This can lead to mental clarity, emotional stability, and insight.
Open Dialogue / Q & A
Our open dialogue can be spontaneous or begin with one question as the basis for discovery and illumination. They may also be an exploration of wisdom lineage teachings as they pertain to your self-inquiry. This can lead to increasing your innate wisdom and capacity of awareness.
Guided Meditation
Universal Light and Sound Meditation with an emphasis on gentle unencumbered visualization, breath, and awareness of the spirit current in the heart. This can lead to rejuvenation, an increased capacity for stillness, and peace.
Writing for Clarity
Learn to utilize a stream of consciousness approach to writing in order to increase clarity and fluidity in the mind. This can lead to healthy self-reflection and create space in the mind to facilitate insight and self-knowledge.