Word of Light Blog
Intended to be a point of inspiration, iIlumination
and creative communication.

New World
As people pit against one another as well as unite in shared humanity, we are indeed at a pivotal moment. A crossroads, where we can choose the Spiritual bounty of the Hearts resonance or we can choose the materialistic downslide which seeks to denote and destabilize the essential nowness where creative potential thrives in open possibility…..The possibility of a new world in which our humanity and shared values are honored and all is made equal in our essential sameness. A new world in which the power lies with the Heart of Spiritual equality which is indicative of our human equality. A world in which we steward the land of our beautiful earth with respect and care for the natural order of Life on this planet.

The richness of the Self
The richness of the Self…The wordless repose. Self nature bathing in the light of ten thousand suns, breathes the beauty of Life Itself. Free of conceptual bias and clinging. The chaos of the world and ordinary mind chatter cannot abide in non dual Awareness for any more than a fleeting moment of thought free wakefulness. The body relaxed. The speech of wordless repose dances in the all pervading suchness, the vibratory resonance of Love Itself immersed in the silence of now.
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Perfect Love
I picked up her mala off of my altar… Dust had gathered around the edges. The energy of her soft power of compassion and my heart in resonance. 108 flawed and imperfect mala beads imbued with perfect love would speak to me once again, that although our human condition is imperfect, we are imbued with perfect love. She bought me my first and only mala in India. It is a smaller version of hers. 108 flawed and imperfect beads. My mala has gathered no dust because I run it through my fingers every day. 108 Mantras to bless the mind. More than that, 108 sounds of sacred syllables that have revealed the ineffable and validated aspiration. I picked up her mala today, dust had gathered around the edges. It remains in its sacred place upon my altar and the resonance of perfect love.
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Igniting true change and healing divisiveness. Transformation from the individual to the collective.
For quite some time now, and especially recently, I have been considering and writing about "The core of divisiveness”. I contemplated many levels, from my own conditioning regarding race to the collective dynamics that are playing out. I wanted to express something that could be a useful perspective and approach. Although it is such a time of chaos, there is an opportunity here to awaken to Truth. I could say that Humanity is equal in the human condition itself, but how does that heal the mind of separation that is already divisive in the way it thinks? I could share an ultimate spiritual point of view, but what does that really do except for possibly be "an escape thought”, to overlay the core of affliction that may be potentially uninspected? People are are speaking out against racism, inequality and injustice, some in peace and others in anger. Many are standing in solidarity and equality, while others are reacting in violence. Power structures are crumbling due to lack of ethics, integrity and blatant abuse of power. The energy of anger can be used constructively to create change.

May We Rise…
Aloha and Welcome!
We find ourselves in an incredibly challenging time. In the midst of great difficulty and suffering, there are so many expressions of generosity, kindness and bravery. We are seeing some of the best of humanity in love and service. I feel tremendous gratitude for all of those who are caring so much for others during this time. It touches my heart to see so many are rising in spiritual strength and unity….We have an opportunity to rise in light, love and truth. A moment of loving kindness to one another can go a long way…. We are also in a time when discernment, mindfulness and clarity are essential in each moment and our way forward.