Growing Gratitude

What if we cultivated a mindset of feeling gratitude in communication with others, both for what we perceive as positive or negative results in our interactions? When you experience negative emotions or undesirable outcomes in communication, you can lean into a feeling of gratitude for the opportunity that the communication has given you to deepen self-knowledge. Anytime that we are highly reactive in communication with one another is fuel for self awareness and a deeper understanding both of ourselves and each other. When we open ourselves into the field of gratitude, the stifling weed of resistance to whatever is arising can’t live there. Once we clear resistance then clarity in communication becomes a possibility.

The energy field of gratitude is also a gateway to abundance. Abundance may come in a form of self-knowledge as well as increasing the all of the beauty that life offers us when we open our hearts and minds in gratitude for life itself.

Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving.


Teaching by Ngeton


What do I value?